Rhizo Health Probiotic


Rhizo Health is a supplement that is 100% natural and 100% organic, consisting of 43 groups of probiotics, extracted from the Rhizosphere of untouched African forest soil.  This is the layer of soil from which all plant life obtain the nutrients they need to live and thrive.

Rhizo Health works like a natural antibiotic, eliminating not only bacterial infections, but also viral infections, without harming your own good gut flora.  Rhizo Health elminates only disease causing pathagens whilst building and strengthening your immune system.


Rhizo Health is a supplement that is 100% natural and 100% organic, consisting of 43 groups of probiotics, extracted from the Rhizosphere of untouched African forest soil.  This is the layer of soil from which all plant life obtain the nutrients they need to live and thrive.  Without it, no plant life would be possible.

The 43 groups of Probiotics are extracted from the soil and placed in virgin soil within Rhizo Healths facility, where each strain becomes dominant.  The product is then resequenced, centrifuged and bottled, using biological manufacturing processes.

Ingredients: Organic soil carbons (all non-carcinogenic); Naturally produced probiotics; Humus extract; Molasses.  NO fillers, artificial sweeteners, bulking agents, flow agents or articifial preservatives are added.

Rhizo Health has successfully treated, amongst others, the following ailments:
Weak Immune System; Gut Health; Arthritis; Gout; Acne; Eczema; Heartburn; Sun Damage; Stomach Ulcers; Infected Open Wounds; Inflammatory Disorders; Auto Immune Disorders; Respiratory Infections; Bacterial Infections; Viral Infections; Fungal Infections; Piles

Warning: Store at room temperature.  Keep out of direct sunlight.  Keep out of reach of children.
Shake before use.

How to use: Internal:
If symptoms are present, mix 2.5ml Rhizo Health with 1/2 cup of water and drink before bedtime.  Continue use until symptoms subside.  Then continue protocol for general, gut and immune health.

General gut and immune health:
Adults:  Mix 5ml Rhizo Health with 1/2 cup of water, drink at bed time.  Repeat 2 x weekly.  Children 3yr+: Mix 2.5ml Rhizo Health with 1/2 cup of water, drinks t bed time 1 x weekly.
Children 10 yr+ Mix 2.5ml Rhizo Health with 1/2 cup of water, drink at bed time 2 x weekly.

This information is provided for educational purposes only. All medical conditions must be diagnosed and treated by a qualified health professional. No medical claims are made.
This product has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Additional information

Weight 1.7 kg


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