It is just so amazing how each one of us is so very different.

When we look around in nature we see the different plants, the birds, the insects, the animals, the sunsets, the sunrises etc and we can value and appreciate the beauty of all these things, their uniqueness, their fragrance, their colours, their different characters, habits, etc.

How often do we stop to look at the people around us?
The different features, different gifts and talents, different personality traits and character that each one has been given that makes them who they are.

Each person sees things so differently, experiences things differently, feels things differently, processes things differently. Can we look at someone else and value and appreciate their life’s story, their journey, the footprint that they are leaving behind? Can we embrace their uniqueness and love unconditionally? (Tough question).

We can only begin to see uniqueness in others when we can see it in ourselves. Today, take a moment to ponder on the fact that you are UNIQUE!! There is no one else on the face of this earth like you!! You have been fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together with perfection. Hand picked for this time in history.